Thursday, April 30, 2009

Deloitte Trade Show Kiosk

I led the planning and management and co-developed the mySAP international trade show kiosk. The kiosk runs on an IIS server and features a business card scanner.

Brochure orders are stored in an Access database, paired with contact information captured by the business card scanner, and sent to a warehouse for fulfillment. A user-tracking feature collects information that is later collated into reports for use by sales teams.

The application was built with ASP, HTML, JavaScript, and Visual Basic in Dreamweaver and InterDev. The project involved a small team of developers, a controlling committee with fifteen members and over fifty content providers. To coordinate the efforts of a large team we used eRoom (an extranet-type file management and project management application).

The timeline was authored in MS Project and the application proof-of-concept was
created using Visio Technical. The completed kiosk went on to tour the world and the software architecture is now used as a development standard for new kiosk applications.